Deputy Jacob Pickett

Photo of Deputy Jacob Pickett
End of Watch: Sun, Mar 4th, 2018
Date of Incident: Fri, Mar 2nd, 2018
Cause of Death: Gunfire (Intentional)
Service Time: 5 years
Age: 34
March 2nd, 2018 10:12pm
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Thank you for your bravery

Terrie Nicely
March 2nd, 2018 9:13pm
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May God comfort you all during this very rough chapter in your lives. God, lift Jacob up and salute him for all of us.

March 2nd, 2018 9:04pm
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Thoughts and Prayers to his family 

Gerard Derby
New York City Police Dept.
March 2nd, 2018 8:47pm
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Rest Easy Brother !! Your Brothers and Sisters in Blue will take it from here ! God Bless !!

Sgt. Christopher A. Hornback (Ret.)
Louisville Metro Department of Corrections (Ky.)
March 2nd, 2018 8:47pm
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God of the selfless,

God of the strong and the brave,

Grant a perfect rest among the souls of the righteous

To Deputy Jacob Pickett who died in service to others

May his dedication to protecting life serve as a shining lamp of love

And the works of his hands bring us all merit in heaven,

Bless the soul of Jacob and all who have died to save others,

Jacob answered the call of honor, duty and service,

May his memories be sanctified with joy and love,

May his soul be bound up in the bond of life,

A living blessing in our midst, Amen

Jenni (Strange) Medsker
March 2nd, 2018 7:10pm
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Jacob lived a few houses down from me in elementary school. Jacob, my brother Jeremy, and I spent many summer days riding bikes and playing around the neighborhood. Although we lost touch as we grew older, I remember him and his family fondly. My prayers are with his parents, wife, and kids.

Chaplain Mike Huff
March 2nd, 2018 7:07pm
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"ALL gave some, you gave ALL" Your Light burns brighter in the hearts of your brothers and sisters. I pray God's peace be with your family. Deputy Jacob Pickett Thank you for your service.

Rev. Dr. Ed "Doc" Golden
Chaplain Missouri Peace Officers Association
March 2nd, 2018 6:57pm

To the family, fellow LE family members, friends and members of the community, Salute, Welcome Home, and Well Done Deputy, we will not forget what you did for us. There is another shield that shines as a star in the heavens, and we know you are safely home. God bless you and keep you in eternal safety, as you continue your invisible journey.

Louisville, Kentucky
March 2nd, 2018 6:13pm
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Thank you for your service, sir.  Rest in peace.  You won’t be forgotten.  Forever a hero.

Tim Baty, Chief
Hamilton Township Fire. Muncie, IN
March 2nd, 2018 5:29pm
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Thoughts and Prayers to the Family Of Deputy Jacob Pickett and the Boone County Sheriffs Department