Firefighter George C. Bruer

Photo of Firefighter George C. Bruer
Last Call: Mon, Oct 7th, 1912
Date of Incident: Mon, Oct 7th, 1912
Cause of Death: Motor Vehicle Accident (Response)
Service Time: 7 years
Age: 41
Patricia Ann (Flynn) Friend
Ellisville, MO
January 18th, 2023 1:12pm

George C Bruer was my great-grandfather. My Grandfather was Everett E Bruer. I have a wedding band, left to me by my Mother, Blanche Bruer Flynn, inscribed in Cursive writing GCB to MHK. I just found out through this website that his wife's name was Minnie. I would love to know her full name. I pray that my great grandfather's soul is in heaven. He is a hero who died in the line of duty.

Kevin Cole
Sterling, CO
November 5th, 2021 7:27pm

I remember my grandmother speaking of his death.