Firefighter George C. Bruer

Photo of Firefighter George C. Bruer
Last Call: Mon, Oct 7th, 1912
Date of Incident: Mon, Oct 7th, 1912
Cause of Death: Motor Vehicle Accident (Response)
Service Time: 7 years
Age: 41


His wife Minnie and three children.


Firefighter Bruer, a pipeman on Company 52, was riding on the right side running board while responding to an alarm. As the truck turned onto unfinished pavement, the truck began to skid. Fearing the truck was going to collide with a clay bank, he leaped from the truck but fell under the trucks wheels. He died a short time later of severe head trauma.


Saint Louis Fire Department Patch
1421 North Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63106
(314) 533-3406


There are 2 tributes for Firefighter George C. Bruer.

Left by Kevin Cole on Friday, November 5th, 2021

I remember my grandmother speaking of his death.