Your job here on earth is done...Rest In Heaven, Officer Westerfield. You served your city for 19 years and I am commending you with a job well done.
RIP me brother in blue you will be missed, our prayers are with your family. We will take it from here .
As your FTO and later as your Sgt and Lt. You were and will always be one of my finest. Rest my friend I will miss you!
I'm saddened that your final 10-42 was at the hands of a monster that you suited up and swore to serve and protect. Your tour of Duty was one of pride, honor, and integrity, only those who have worn that blue suite know and understand that days like this are possible but we pray they never come to pass.. Ofc Westerfield I salute you and I bid to you eternal peace.
I'm so sad to hear of this. I'm heart broken my friend. .You will be greatly missed
Rest in peace Jeff, you gave the ultimate sacrifice to serve and protect Gary citizens.
Rest in Heaven, you are now 10-42.
1320 Headquarters... I can remember always laughing when we were on patrol...when dispatch gave us a call, go ahead to 1320 headquarters Brother ...ppl who knew Jeff only had great things to say. Its nit about how he died but how he lived.... I will for ever b greatful for being able to sit side by side as we patrolled the mean streets of Gary In
Rest in heaven Westerfield.
R I P Brother until we meet agian