Lieutenant Richard "Rick" Drake II

Photo of Lieutenant Richard "Rick" Drake II
Last Call: Mon, Nov 1st, 2010
Date of Incident: Mon, Nov 1st, 2010
Cause of Death: Heart Attack
Service Time: 3 years & 5 months
Age: 39
Greenwood, IN
October 11th, 2018 2:42pm

Hi daddio. Its almost been 8 years.  Seems so crazy and it hasnt been great.  Im gonna be 18 next year which blows my mind.  Im gonna keep making you proud ❤️ 

March 4th, 2016 8:22am
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Hey there daddy. Its been a tough year already and i've been needing you lately.. new step dad, new county, new house, new school, new siblings. I wish everything didn't change so much. I hope im making you smile and proud. Being 14 is diffucult, wish you were here to show me i dont need a boy. Still thankful i got you for 8 years. I'm glad i got to be called a daddys girl and your baby girl (: Hope youre doing good.. I love you and miss you so much.

Abby Drake
May 28th, 2015 11:14am
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Hi Daddy, I miss you more and more everyday. Life has changed sooo much. We've all grown up and i'm 13 and about 5'7 now, so I would be taller than you shorty ;) I hope you are proud of me and smiling down. I love you Daddy

~ Abby

Chris West - Chief (Ret.)
November 1st, 2012 9:49am
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Rick, it certainly doesn't seem like 2 years ago today. Halloween hasn't been the same, not after our party with the face painting and the "gung ho marine" climbing the wall (basically) to get the pinata hung for the kids. A lot of things have changed in these past 2 years, some good, some not. I miss you everyday my friend. I tried to do you proud at the department, but my head kept getting in the way. There's a new crew there now, most of us that served with you have gone our separate ways. Things haven't been and will truly never be the same again since your passing! Smile down on us when you can, we can use all the encouragement and support you can provide. Love you and miss you man. Sorry I let you and everyone else down after you left us, but know that I am doing the best that I can, brother!

Deputy Gary Knoef
Bartholomew County Sheriff's Office
December 6th, 2010 5:40am
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I hope you'll forgive me for taking so long to leave a message in your memory. I think about you daily as your bracelet lines my cupholder in my car (too tiny for my wrist!) and a red, white and blue ribbon (made by your co-workers) hangs on my visor. I will never forget you. Since the first time I met you, I agreed with your daughter and thought you were a dork! But, you were funny and always...always smiled. I remember joking with you when I'd bring inmates into the jail.

Your final 10-42 calls were recently emailed to everyone. I have yet to click play and re-live that moment when I first heard those dispatched words. I will not get rid of it. I just haven't pushed play yet. I cannot tell you or express the pride I have in carrying you to your final resting place.

Outside of work, I loved making fun of you and getting it in return. I still havent erased the incriminating photo of you and I won't be.

Anytime I go on a crash call or a medic assist and german township responds; it's just not the same without you there. It seems you were ALWAYS at every single german twsp call if you werent working at the jail. You are an inspiration to all and the true definition of an American Hero. You are a great contributor to your community and your country and your family and friends.

When people say you have left an imprint on their hearts and minds...make no mistake; you have. I noticed tonight that your fire brother John Searle was still wearing your memory bracelet tonight when I ate with him at dinner.

Know that a month has gone by and you and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers daily.

You will be forever deeply missed.

FireFighter Eddie King
German Township
November 7th, 2010 10:44pm
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Rick you are so deeply missed. It is so hard to find the words to tell you just how much you touched my life. No matter how far I had fallen you were there to lift me up and keep me going in the right direction. I could talk to you about anything and I knew you would really listen. Ours talks together just me and you meant a lot to me even though I might not have told you. Your leadership has made me grow stronger and I am so honored to have learned from you. Knowing now that you will still be with me on every run house fire, car fire, or even medic run makes me proud. I am so proud to have called you my friend. I know that we will meet again one day but until then I will keep you shared wisdom and make you proud. You were a great father, husband, friend and firefighter 807 and we will never forget you! 827

Mike Pierce
November 7th, 2010 8:11am
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There is no words that express the feelings when a person is lost serving those in need. God bless the family of Lt. Richard Drake II. May God grant them the strength to make it through this tragedy.

Mike Pierce

1st Division Police Aux.

Louisville, Ky.

Eric Pierce
Dublin Fire & E.M.S. (IN)
November 6th, 2010 6:42pm
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Thoughts and prayers go out to LT Drake's family and Department.

Deputy Chief Michael Gorbett
German Township Volunteer Fire Department
November 6th, 2010 6:21pm
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I’ve struggled all week to get this right. I’ve tried to find the right words to honor Rick Drake and say goodbye but I don’t want to say goodbye. I want to know my Lt. will be there to help with anything I needed and whom I could trust to have my back. But I know that he’ll at least still do the second part. That even though he’s up there, he’ll still be watching over me and the dept. I know I’m repeating what others have said but I can’t say enough about all the help from the emergency services community and the civilian community in helping us honor Rick and taking care of his family. I want to give a special thanks to SUPPORTING HEROES and The Indiana Memorial Team especially Ray Kindred. Without Ray’s help and support I wouldn’t have made it thru the service. Standing Honor Guard at Rick’s casket yesterday was, to steal a phrase from FF Gatewood, the hardest and proudest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I know it’s cliché but it still has to be said: Rick was one of the good guys. He will be missed by many and never forgotten by those same people. Now we move on and honor Rick with our continued service and being there for his family. 807, I hope you enjoyed the show yesterday… it was all for you. - 802

November 6th, 2010 12:09am
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Rest in Peace Rick, you are missed!!! I am a better person for having the honor of knowing you. I am glad I got to know you a little better in the past few months. I keep telling the story of the kids painting our faces last Friday night and the pinata for the kids.... Good time!!! I will also never forget our what you told me during our last conversation those kinds words meant so much and have taken on a greater meaning now!!! Thank you !!!