Firefighter Frank E. Mankin

Photo of Firefighter Frank E. Mankin
Last Call: Thu, Apr 19th, 1900
Date of Incident: Wed, Mar 14th, 1900
Cause of Death: Structural Collapse
Service Time: 6 years
Age: 31

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i.e. “Lt. John Smith (Ret.)” or “Paramedic Jane Doe (Frm.)”
Your relationship to Firefighter Frank E. Mankin
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Your personal tribute to Firefighter Frank E. Mankin
You may choose to add a photo to your tribute by clicking on one below.
A Final Salute
Angel by my Side
E.M.S. Final Salute
E.M.S. Maltese Cross
E.M.S. Ribbon
Final Inspection
Fire Honor Guard
Fire Ribbon
Folded American Flag
Hanging Flag
Police Ribbon
Soaring Eagle
Star of Life
The Riderless Horse
Watch Over Me
Yellow Ribbon