Patrolman Mark Wynnfield Hines

Photo of Patrolman Mark Wynnfield Hines
End of Watch: Sun, Aug 29th, 1976
Date of Incident: Sun, Aug 29th, 1976
Cause of Death: Motor Vehicle Accident (Pursuit)
Service Time: 7 years
Age: 31
Dave Johnson
Louisville Police Retired
December 27th, 2009 10:12pm
Tribute Image

I worked with Mark on the Louisville Fire Department. We worked civil defense in Louisville We went to police Academy together. I was at the scene when he died. He was a good Friend, and a great person

March 30th, 2007 9:04am
Tribute Image

Mark was a fellow student at Trinity High school. His life long ambition was to become a police officer. In his senior year he had an accident with a band saw that he bought his father for Christmas. This,he thought, would end his dreams. With several surgeries and therapy he overcame this accident and went on to become a police officer. Mark gave his life doing what he always wanted to do, to protect and serve.