Assistant Chief William “Bud” Fisher

Photo of Assistant Chief William “Bud” Fisher
Last Call: Wed, Dec 29th, 1926
Date of Incident: Wed, Dec 29th, 1926
Cause of Death: Fall (Accidental)
Service Time: 26 years
Age: 55


His wife and two children


Captain William Fisher and Private Charles Webb died while fighting a fire at the Kentucky Drug Sundries Company.

Both men slid and fell from the ice covered roofs of two buildings separated by an areaway. Captain Fisher fell from the Neill LaVeille building. Private Webb fell from the Nethereton building landing within feet of where Captain Fisher had landed. Both men died from head injuries.

This incident occurred at "Fatal Fire Alarm Box 48".


Louisville Fire Department
Louisville Fire Department Patch
Louisville Salvage Corps Patch
Louisville Volunteer Fire Department Patch
1135 West Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40203
(502) 574-3701
Chief Gregory Frederick


There is 1 tribute for Assistant Chief William “Bud” Fisher.

Assistant Chief William “Bud” Fisher
Left on Monday, December 29th, 2008

Rest in peace brother