Firefighter Manuel suffered a fatal heart attack upon arrival at the scene of a church fire.
There are 4 tributes for Firefighter Donald Z. Manuel.
How do you write about your Dada How do you recognize him as just a FireFighter Hero when he's been your hero throughout your life. My father continued to amaze me thoughout my life. From giving gifts at Christmas that showed he really knew his wife and 6 children , stepping in to be a father figure to my son, to being a teacher at the department, bowling alley, or his TaeKwonDo club. My father was a very quiet man who'se shadow was enormous. He did not like to be in the spot light or for people to point him out. He walked quietly through life touching all with his heart and hand. Although it has been 10 years since his last call, it is only now that I got the call. He is with me everytime I look at my son, for he has my father's ways. I will always miss him, and at the same time I feel his presence with me everyday.