Officer Joseph Krupp

Photo of Officer Joseph Krupp
End of Watch: Tue, Apr 19th, 1910
Date of Incident: Tue, Apr 19th, 1910
Cause of Death: Gunfire (Intentional)
Service Time: 1 month
Age: 28


Officer Joseph Krupp was shot and killed when he stopped two suspicious men in the Haughville railroad yards. A second officer was also shot and wounded. The two men were later apprehended in Avon and one of them confessed to the shooting.

Both suspects were convicted of manslaughter. The suspect who killed Officer Krupp received a sentence of two to 21 years in prison.

Officer Krupp had served with the Indianapolis Police Department for only five weeks.

Information obtained from the Officer Down Memorial Page.



There are currently no tributes for Officer Joseph Krupp.