Officer Arthur F. Barrows

Photo of Officer Arthur F. Barrows
End of Watch: Sun, Jun 4th, 1911
Date of Incident: Sun, Jun 4th, 1911
Cause of Death: Electrocution (Accidental)
Service Time: 4 years
Age: 31


Officer Arthur Barrows was electrocuted by a live wire which had been blown down during a storm. When he arrived on the scene there were children playing near the wire. Having been an electrician in the past he attempted to tie the wire around the pole it had fallen from. The wire slipped and struck him on the hand. He succumbed to his injuries on the way to the hospital.

Officer Barrows had served with the Indianapolis Police Department for four years.

Information obtained from the Officer Down Memorial Page.



There are currently no tributes for Officer Arthur F. Barrows.