Firefighter Eugene Rozwarski

Photo of Firefighter Eugene Rozwarski
Last Call: Sat, Sep 22nd, 1973
Date of Incident: Sat, Sep 22nd, 1973
Cause of Death: Motor Vehicle Accident (Response)
Service Time: 19 years
Age: 47


His wife Janice, a son, and two daughters


Firefighter Rozwarski was riding on the rear running board on Engine 8 when the firetruck was struck by a car at the intersection of Miami and Calvert Streets. Firefighter Rozwarski was thrown from the truck and died a shortly after being transported to Memorial Hospital. Engine 8 was responding to an emergency medical call at the time of the accident.

Firefighter Rozwarski was a U.S. Navy veteran of WW II.


South Bend Fire Department Patch
1222 South Michigan Street
South Bend, Indiana 46601
(574) 235-9255


There are currently no tributes for Firefighter Eugene Rozwarski.